© 2018 Daesign - Mentions légales
Dæsign is launching the creation of a collaborative game which will enable users to train on project management remotely and through actions. Take part in its design and financing!
With this ‘digital action-learning’ format, in 2 months, the participants:
“Our gameplays focused on learning-by-doing make remote personalised tutoring possible. In our opinion, it’s the main path to the future of blended learning.”
– Jean-Noël Portugal, Daesign CEO
Serious Games Industry interview
The training can be easily upscaled because it is 100% remote. Daesign or its partner coaches may provide tutoring, as can the company, or self-training is possible.
The format is appealing, original and inviting. Beyond digital technology, it is essentially based on human interaction and participants are not disadvantaged compared to those taught in classrooms.
Participants work on their actual projects. They produce deliverables by regularly assessing themselves. The data is fed back on a dashboard and on an LMS.
Most of the course is asynchronous. Outside the meetings, each person is free to organise their schedule, but they do have deadlines to meet to keep up the pace!
Our participative financing system enables us to reduce each client’s investment and guarantee the benefits of specific production:
In addition to the financial advantages, this original business model benefits everyone thanks to its educational engineering led by collective intelligence – it is very robust. Everyone is enthusiastic about it, and the price is so low!
“We are proud to have co-built this programme with Daesign. It has been a wonderful collaboration. What inspired us at the outset was the aim to have a powerful learning tool.”
— Pascal Aubert, Natixis
‘Innovation Makers’ project
“The Serious Game is a good addition to face-to-face practice. We have really seen the benefits.”
— Laurie Cellier, PwC
‘Innovation Makers’ project