
© 2018 Daesign - Mentions légales

E-learning modules

Our modules draw on our expertise in Serious Gaming, and are designed to be particularly immersive.

Our modules are all based on a playful pedagogy centered on real-life situations.

They make use of a variety of immersive game mechanics that are particularly well-suited to dealing with softskills: dialogue simulations, games based on analysis and decision-making, case studies in which the learner can direct the scenario, and so on.

The learner projects himself into realistic situations, experiments and finds solutions on his own: a far more engaging approach than conventional e-learning, and one that also offers :

  • A human face, with a video facilitator
  • Quizzes to assess skills acquired at the end of each module, with a score to reach and a certificate of achievement
  • Downloadable memos

Our modules can include your logo, documents or links if you wish to refer learners to resources specific to your context.

our E-learning modules

Preventing Psychological Risks : discovery for all

Preventing Psychological Risks : for managers

GDPR training : Senior Management

GDPR training : points of contact

Phishing : don’t click on that !

Distinguishing what is urgent and important

Getting rid of “time-wasters”

Recognising and rewarding your employees

Communicating better by actively listening

Improvement through corrective feedback

Dividing up tasks within a team

Setting a SMART objective

Assigning tasks and giving them meaning

Collective Intelligence : in a time of uncertainty, harness group strenght !

Overcoming resistance to change

Cyber & Me

GDPR training : employees

Fight against corruption

Together in diversity

Keep an eye out

Antitrust Mission

Conducting a performance review

Conflict Management

Remote Management

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