The increasing recourse to working from home and, more generally, remote working has turned the manager’s role and interaction with their team on its head. How can a manager adapt their management style to this new paradigm?
© 2018 Daesign - Mentions légales
Simple advice and case studies to help you adapt your management style to teleworking!
30 minutes
Decision-making, Reporting, Communication, Digital literacy, Listening, Adaptation, Mastering tools
The increasing recourse to working from home and, more generally, remote working has turned the manager’s role and interaction with their team on its head. How can a manager adapt their management style to this new paradigm?
Any manager who has an entire team, or some of them, working from home on a regular or occasional basis.
This rapid-learning is a useful tool to support Managers facing the challenge of remotely working with their team. It addresses the technical aspect (management practices, digital tools, precautions
in terms of cyber-security) but also the behavioural aspect (managerial posture and communication) as well as the quality of life aspect when teleworking (motivation, stress, preventing cyber-harassment, preventing Musculo-Skeletal Disorders).
1. First and foremost, take a step back!
Taking a step back about yourself: identify your needs and barriers. Taking a step back about your management: directive, participative, persuasive, delegation style.
2. Encouraging independence
The 3 key principles to lay out the framework (who does what, process and reporting, methods for exchange).
Monitoring the work performed.
Pause on MSDs! Are you sitting comfortably?
3. Maintaining team cohesion
The concept of a team, maintaining contact, actions that encourage mutual support, preventing tensions, the information that you share or not.
4. Nurturing the individual relationship
The feeling of belonging, adjusting the framework, the pace of contacts, feedback in real life or in the virtual life.
5. The right tools
Choosing tools based on uses: talking, sharing information, sharing files, collaborating remotely, etc. Quiz on the main 3 challenges if cyber-security in a teleworking situation (keeping personal/ work separate, VPN, Shadow IT).